AKYLADE is currently working on building its website to allow candidates to easily schedule and book their exams from the AKYLADE website.
Once at the above link, you will see a pink callout box that says "GET STARTED". Click on that link. It will bring you to a login page.
* If you already have a Certiverse account, please use that login.
* If you do not have a Certiverse account, you will need to sign up to create an account.
We recommend using the SSO (single sign-on) option rather than creating a new email related account.
Once you have created your account, you will need to verify your email and login information.
Once verified, you will be redirected back to Certiverse to login.
After you login you will be asked to schedule the exam - you should be able to schedule up to 30 days in the future.
Once you pick a date you will be brought to the payment screen where you can enter the voucher code.
You should see an image like the below:
If you are purchasing the exam directly from Certiverse, you can select "credit card" and enter your information. If you received a voucher from an Authorized Training Partner, then you will select "voucher code" and then enter the voucher code into the box and hit "apply."
In general, vouchers are typically valid for up to 365 days from the date of purchase.
If you have any issues using your voucher code, or need additional time, please do not hesitate to contact us at